Lightning Effect

I created two spheres as a point of contact as the lightning needs some objects to bounce off.

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Highlight both spheres and click Effects -> Lightning, hidden under the FX setting on the top left.

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A lightning bolt should appear connected to both spheres.

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In my animation, I hid the spheres off screen when rendering to give off the effect that lightning is moving on its own.

Custom made Delorean

To put an image into the work which I would base my design on, I went to View -> Image Plane, hover the mouse by the arrow and Import Image.

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Then find where the image is based, double click to import into the document. A preview will show what you are importing in. Click Open for this to work.

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Next I wanted to create the car from scratch, in a similar way to when we created a model of a fish. This was achieved by going to Mesh Tools -> Create Polygon.

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Then I created a shape similar to the Delorean car by clicking each time to create a vertex, press ing Enter on your keyboard to creates a shape, it will turn dark once completed.

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This little icon is known as the multi cut tool, it is handy for linking up vertex points to one another.

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Finally the extrude tool gives the car a bit more detail and changes the shape of it.

Below is the end result, I am content with the overall design though I could give it more detail for future reference.

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Video Loop Concepts

Assignment 4 of the Experimental 3D Project involves creating a 6-8 second loop based on media such as video games, film or music.

Below are some concepts that I came up with:

Back to the Future



Scan 1

After some careful consideration, I decided to do a Back to the Future loop, I felt like I could achieve more and there was a lot of action going on. I didn’t choose the Terminator because it seemed basic and didn’t appeal to me.

Assignment 2 Glitch Files

Below are the sounds that our group used in the project, all are done in the style of Havard Referencing.

Audio Enabled(2015).Glitch Sound Effect. Available at: (Accessed 5 January 2016)

Colucci,S.(2009) DNA replication animation by interact medical. Available at: (Accessed 5 January 2016)

Military Archive.(2014) US AirStrike Filmed By ISIS Fighter in Iraq – ISIS Artillery Cannon Striked. Available at: (Accessed 5 January 2016)

TheMSsoundeffects.(2013) Crowd Panic Sound Effect Available at: (Accessed 5 January 2016)

xReesll96x(2014).TV Glitch Sound Effects. Available at: (Accessed 5 January 2016)

I imported all of the sounds in After Effects and edited them all down to fit the timeline, for the DNA replication and US AirStrike clips, I removed the audio and kept visual, as I did not want any audio to interfere with the main speech.

Assignment 2 Thoughts

Although the MachineTown glitch project was delivered on time, the deadline was only just achieved by minutes.

This can be avoided in future by better planning and laying down a timeframe when the activities need to be completed and a period of integration managed into the project.

This would have allowed a period of assessment of the completed works and would have allowed for any minor errors to be rectified in a controlled and efficient manner.

The lessons learnt from this exercise are definitely better planning of objectives and defining completion dates of various activities.

Lesson 13 January 5 2016

In the first lesson of the new year, we were allowed to get on with the finishing touches of Assignment 2. Over the holidays I had collected a bunch of audio, but after some feedback, the group decided to change some sounds based on a script that was created by Ryan.

I found some Youtube clips of the following:
-People Screaming
-Money Collection
-War Conflict

Saad worked on drawing a polygonal head in Maya, while Karl took on the task of creating an office type room and animating the scene.

Glitch Assignment

For the second assignment in the Experimental 3D module, we are required to create a 2 minute animation based on the subject ‘Glitch.’

Each member of the group had their own topics to look at. I was assigned to look up some audio based on real life sounds (e.g. Mouse Click, Keyboard Typing).

I found the websites Youtube and Soundfree to be handy as they have a lot of audio available, some however I decided to record myself. I took a camera and did some recordings, the films were then exported as an Mp4, taken to Premiere Pro and converted to a .wav file format.

Lesson 12 December 8 2015

This is our last lesson of the module for 2015. During this, we added a skeleton to the fish (which in my opinion is better than the previous models) in order to make it move, I placed 4 pivots (one at the end, two in the middle and one on the tail), each one had its own separate keyframe.

Afterwards we saved the file as a (Targa) tga. file format for rendering.
I found the creation of the fish tough, but the animating side seemed simple but effective.

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In this example, I got the fish to move its tail to the side with the X axis thanks to the Skeleton tool in Maya, while moving it forward on the Z axis using separate keyframes. Afterwards we did a Batch Render and exported it to After Effects for animation purposes.

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